Image Classification in ML

Prerequisites: Machine Learning Terminology

Semantic Gap#

In order to train a Machine Learning Model that can classify images, we need to first overcome a few challenges, commonly known as the Semantic Gap

When the computer is given an image, it reads the data as a 3d-matrix/array defined by its dimensions and RGB pixels. A typical matrix size would be [800, 600, 3], with the 800 and 600 being dimensions and the 3 representing the 3 RGB (red, green blue) channels.

Viewpoint Variation#

If the “camera” is rotated or moved when taking a picture, all pixels will change.


Similarly, the lighting of the photo can also affect the picture.


Objects can also be “deformed”, and photos can contain objects with an unusual appearance.


Objects can also be occluded or blocked by other objects. For example, a cat under a couch cushion would be hard for a computer distinguish, although humans can instantly recognize that there is a cat.

Background Clutter#

If the object blends into the background or vice versa, the object may be hard for a computer to distinguish.

Intraclass Variation#

Lastly, objects such as cats can have various species of different colors, sizes, and shapes.

Convolutional Neural Network#

To counter these challenges, we use something called a Convolutional Neural Network

Stanford’s cs231n 2018 Course: “Lecture 2 | Image Classification”

Created By: WHS Comp Sci Club Officers

CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 | WHS CSC 2021